Posts by The One Waterfront Team
The 2024 Waterfront Ambassador Program Draws to a Close

The sixth summer of the Boston Waterfront Initiative’s Waterfront Ambassadors program drew to a close in mid-August. Eleven youth ambassadors from the Greater-Boston area joined the Trustees Boston Waterfront team to learn about the Trustees’ commitment to the Boston community, particularly East Boston, acting as liaisons for the organization throughout the summer. 

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The Trustees at the Stone Living Lab Conference

The Trustees’ Coastal and Boston Waterfront Initiative teams joined The Stone Living Lab—an innovative and collaborative initiative for testing and scaling up nature-based approaches to climate adaptation, coastal resilience and ecological restoration—for its first ever conference entitled “Nature-Based Coastal Resilience in Urban Settings” April 26 – 28, 2023 at the UMass Boston Campus. The Trustees took part in the program and gave two presentations at the conference: Lessons Learned: Policy, Permitting & Funding Strategies and Resilient Coastal Design, Partnerships & Community Engagement. 

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The Trustees and Massport host Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Environmental Justice Meeting

On Tuesday, March 7, 2023, The Trustees and Massport came together to host a Piers Park II and III information session. The meeting served as the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (MEPA) Environmental Justice meeting, which ensures that populations that have historically been excluded from meaningful participation in decisions that impact their communities’ environmental health are engaged in the development of projects within their neighborhoods. While the MEPA environmental justice meeting is a requirement, the Trustees have been out hosting meetings and events in the community for the past two years to understand how to best build a park that will serve those who live in East Boston and surrounding communities. 

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The One Waterfront Team
Updated Piers Park III design ready to share: Four meetings set for public review

The latest Piers Park III design update—incorporating more feedback from a summer full of programming, survey responses, and outreach—is ready to share! Las últimas actualizaciones de diseño de Piers Park III, donde se incorporan sus sugerencias brindadas en un verano lleno de actividades, todas sus respuestas a encuestas y conversaciones—¡están listas para ser compartidas!

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The One Waterfront Team