Waterfront Ambassadors
We're Hiring for Summer 2025! If you're between ages 15-18 and are interested in a meaningful youth employment opportunity, please email Maria Rodriguez Ortega at m.rodriguezortega@thetrustees.org
For more detailed information about this job listing, please visit this link.

The Trustees Waterfront Ambassadors is a meaningful youth employment program based in East Boston focused on engaging the local community on waterfront issues.
Ambassadors learn about the mission of The Trustees as well as the Boston Waterfront Initiative and how it relates to their neighborhoods and communities. Ambassadors also learn about the work being done in East Boston and across the city on waterfront issues such as climate resilience, green infrastructure, and public access.
Each summer, the Ambassadors engage with the Trustees Boston Waterfront Initiative in East Boston and work to gather ideas and input from the community, with a focus on Boston youth, to inform future progress.
In 2024, the Waterfront Ambassadors program ran for seven weeks in July and August. The program again featured collaborations with other local harbor-focused and environmental organizations and programs in Greater Boston, as well as a variety of job-readiness and other enrichment sessions. The Ambassadors position is open to youth ages 15-18. The application link is open for Summer 2025!
Learn about prior seasons by exploring the blog series below! For more information, email arodriguez-gonzalez@thetrustees.org
Explore the Waterfront Ambassadors’ projects and activities from summer 2023 & 2024!
The sixth summer of the Boston Waterfront Initiative’s Waterfront Ambassadors program drew to a close in mid-August. Eleven youth ambassadors from the Greater-Boston area joined the Trustees Boston Waterfront team to learn about the Trustees’ commitment to the Boston community, particularly East Boston, acting as liaisons for the organization throughout the summer.
The fifth summer of the Boston Waterfront Initiative’s Waterfront Ambassadors program drew to a close in mid-August. Ten youth ambassadors from the Greater-Boston area joined the Trustees Boston Waterfront team to learn about the Piers Park III project and East Boston community, acting as liaisons for the Trustees throughout the summer.
The 2023 Waterfront Ambassadors season is underway. Throughout the summer, ten teens employed by The Trustees Boston Waterfront Initiative program will learn about waterfront issues in and around their neighborhoods and communities, and work with local non-profits and environmental organizations in Greater Boston.
Explore the Waterfront Ambassadors’ projects and activities from summer 2022!
The Ambassadors summer program drew to a close this week, after a busy and fun summer in and around the East Boston waterfront.
A vacant lot in Chelsea set to be transformed into a public park was the scene of a temporary public art installation created by the Waterfront Ambassadors, and local partners during week six of the program.
The Waterfront Ambassadors led interactive lessons and activities for youth during week five of the summer program.
Explore the Waterfront Ambassadors’ projects and activities from summer 2021!
During their second-to-last week of this year’s summer program, the Waterfront Ambassadors continued an outreach project, took part in stewardship work, and met with other youth groups from around the City.
As the program begins to draw to a close for the summer, the Ambassadors spent the week sharing what they’ve learned throughout the season with local youth.
Several site visits around the City engaged the Waterfront Ambassadors this week, as they learned more about climate change, sea level rise, and some of the plans to adapt Boston’s vulnerable harborfront to the changes ahead.
For their third week of stewardship and community projects in and around East Boston, the Waterfront Ambassadors met with local leaders to learn about climate change and Environmental Justice.
What does it take to craft your own mission statement? This was the question posed to the Waterfront Ambassadors during their second week of stewardship and learning in neighborhoods in and around East Boston.
The 2021 Waterfront Ambassadors season has kicked off, welcoming 11 teens from the Boston area including East Boston, Revere, Lynn, Hyde Park, and Chinatown.
See what the One Waterfront Ambassadors were up to in summer 2020!
Eleven high school students from around the City of Boston joined The Trustees Boston Waterfront Initiative team this summer, as the Waterfront Ambassadors.
A virtual tour kicked off the second-to-last week for the Waterfront Ambassadors, with a presentation from Harborkeepers Executive Director Magdalena Ayed about Vision Chelsea Creek.
It was an active fifth week for the Waterfront Ambassadors, as the Boston teens prepped for a community art project, and led their first workshop.
Extension work planned for the Mary Ellen Welch Greenway in East Boston was the topic of discussion for the Waterfront Ambassadors at the start of week four.
The third week of the summer youth program, Waterfront Ambassadors, began with the continuation of a “Greetings from My Boston” postcard project.
With the program in full swing for the season, the Waterfront Ambassadors spent their second week meeting several community partners and thinking through creative park design.
Returning for a second summer, the One Waterfront Ambassadors program kicked off last week, with eleven teens from neighborhoods around Boston including East Boston, Chinatown and Charlestown.
Catch up on what the One Waterfront Ambassadors accomplished and learned in Summer 2019!
After a busy and engaging summer working in East Boston, The Trustees’ One Waterfront Ambassadors youth employment program wrapped up last week with a community celebration and presentation at Nuestro Jardín.
Climate justice and youth activism were key themes for the Waterfront Ambassadors’ second-to-last week.
This was another dynamic week for the Waterfront Ambassadors, kicking off with an opportunity to meet with artist Carolina Aragón and BSLA Executive Director Gretchen Rabinkin…
The second week for the Waterfront Ambassadors kicked off with the addition of a new team member, and…
The One Waterfront team is excited to welcome seven Boston students to our new Waterfront Ambassadors…
Who are the Waterfront Ambassadors? Our Ambassadors:
Participate in group discussions, teambuilding, job readiness trainings, and leadership development activities.
Learn about the work being done in East Boston and across the city on waterfront issues such as climate resilience, green infrastructure, and public access.
Learn about the Trustees Boston Waterfront Initiative.
Engage with the East Boston community through outreach events and stewardship projects such as marsh restoration, native planting, and trash cleanups.
Participate in field trips such as kayaking and visiting the Boston Harbor Islands.
Collaborate with and learn from grassroots and nonprofit organizations working on climate resilience, environmental justice, and waterfront access in East Boston and across the city.
Develop essential job skills, including leadership, civic engagement, and environmental advocacy.
For more information, contact Arlenne Rodriguez-Gonzalez at arodriguez-gonzalez@thetrustees.org