Creating a more resilient coastline and adapting for climate change | Waterfront Ambassadors photo diary
Several site visits around the City engaged the Waterfront Ambassadors this week, as they learned more about climate change, sea level rise, and some of the plans to adapt Boston’s vulnerable harborfront to the changes ahead.
“Our theme was ‘Moving Forward Together’ this week, and the Ambassadors had the opportunity to learn about all the amazing ways different organizations in Boston are working to adapt to climate change and sea level rise,” noted Jessica Zhou, Trustees Waterfront Ambassadors Assistant Program Manager. “After learning about environmental injustices in the East Boston community, it was a healing experience to be able to consider possible solutions to fight back and to create positive change for ourselves and future generations.”
During the course of the week the Ambassadors met with Patricio Belloy, a graduate student at UMass Boston and a member of the Sustainable Solutions Lab, to learn about some of the inequitable impacts of climate change on marginalized populations; visited Coughlin Park in Winthrop to learn from the scientists at the Stone Living Lab about their use of green infrastructure to create a more resilient coastline; and met with Michelle De Lima, Trustees Engagement Manager, at Nightingale Community Garden in Dorchester to learn about different herbs and their many uses.
Below, explore this week’s photo diary of the Ambassadors’ favorite moments throughout the week:

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