Accessibility and equity, climate resiliency, development discussed during Boston Mayoral Forum

Four candidates joined a Boston Mayoral Forum on Thursday, July 29, hosted by the Coalition for a Resilient & Inclusive Waterfront and moderated by the Boston Globe’s Shirley Leung and Alberto Vasallo of El Mundo.

The forum took place at the New England Aquarium’s Simons Theatre and was also streamed live on Facebook.

During the Forum John Barros, councilor Andrea Campbell, councilor Annissa Essaibi George, and councilor Michelle Wu discussed their plans for the future of Boston’s waterfront along the city’s harbor and rivers. Topics discussed included accessibility and equity, climate resiliency, development, transportation,  the working port, and the importance of coordination with Federal, State, and local governments:

Below, find the questions posed to the candidates:

  • [20:20]: What can be done to get more immigrants and minority groups to feel like they belong at the Downtown Waterfront?

  • [25:35]: A recent poll found that communities of color in Boston wanted the waterfront to be utilized to create jobs for local residents. How do you ensure economic development along the waterfront is done in a way that will benefit all residents of the city?

  • [31:17]: Many neighborhoods in Boston lack a coastal resiliency plan. How do you propose to bring together private landowners and public officials to protect the city from climate change?

  • [36:30]: How can the city better invest in transportation that will connect its residents to the waterfront?

  • [41:40]: What are your plans for the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA)?

  • [47:20]: How would you advocate for, and prioritize federal dollars from the infrastructure package to create a more resilient and inclusive waterfront?

  • [53:00]: Question from a young East Boston resident and Trustees Waterfront Ambassador

  • [58:25]: Question from a college student living in Boston

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