Improving access to waterfront space for wellness a priority among Boston voters, poll finds

Seventy percent of Boston voters consider it “very important” that the waterfront “improves the public health of the City by providing open spaces for exercise and enjoyment,” according to new poll results released by The Coalition for a Resilient and Inclusive Waterfront

Image courtesy Above Summit

The Coalition, founded in June 2021, is an alliance of nearly 50 organizations including The Trustees Boston Waterfront Initiative, Boston Harbor Now, and the New England Aquarium.  

“This poll underscores that 70% of residents see it as being very important to have open space on the waterfront for their own health and wellness,” notes Nick Black, Managing Director of the Boston Waterfront Initiative. “East Boston’s Piers Park III project will create additional resilient, open space in an environmental justice community—a neighborhood that is also one of the City’s hardest-hit by the pandemic.” 

With a goal of gauging Boston voters’ sentiments on waterfront topics following the November 2nd Municipal Election, the poll also found significant support for the Mayor to create a cabinet-level position focused on Waterfront issues, with 69% of voters backing the idea. Two-thirds (65%) of respondents supported making Waterfront more accessible—calling it a “major priority” to create more affordable activities for families. 

Poll results also show a distinct racial and neighborhood split when it comes to how easy voters say it is to access the Waterfront. White voters are more likely to say it is “very easy” to access the Waterfront (45% vs. 36% Asian, 34% Black, 30% Latino). 

Mayor Wu has voiced support for a more resilient and welcoming waterfront, goals which are central to our work in building a series of public parks along Boston’s vulnerable harbor, beginning with Piers Park III in East Boston,” notes Black. “We look forward to working with the Mayor and her administration to further improve waterfront equity and resilience—welcoming more Bostonians to experience and enjoy their beautiful harbor.” 

Additional poll findings include:  

  • 75% of voters support additional city funding for creating a set of community benefit standards for developers. 

  • 36% of open-ended comments name flooding, sea level rise, and climate change among the biggest issues facing the Waterfront. 

  • Two-thirds of voters say it is “very important” that the Waterfront protects the city from the impacts of climate change and sea level rise. 

More details and results from the poll can be viewed here

Conducted by MassINC Polling Group, the poll surveyed 622 registered voters in Boston from November 8 to November 15, and is the second conducted by the Coalition following one released in June 2021. The summer poll found strong support for the creation of new open spaces for public use on the waterfront.    


To learn more about the Coalition for a Resilience and Inclusive Waterfront, click here 

To weigh in on the future programming and design for Piers Park III, click here 

The One Waterfront Team